
Nielsen to make “best practices” document for rich internet applications in SWF

Macromedia announced today that the creator of the “Flash 99% bad” report, Jakob Nielsen will be working with them to develop a “best practices” for rich Internet applications.. The buzz is naturally on in the Flash community. Here are some links to coverage of the announcement: Flash usability site Flazoom: This really is not a surprise, if Flash is going to be accepted as a web application tool among the corporate world, Macromedia has to do something to offset Nielsen’s “Flash: 99% Bad” column from last year. Buying Nielsen’s consulting […]

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Dave Winer: A Brief User Interface Manifesto

Dave Winer writes about his first real eureka experience with usability, its a blast from the past – one that will be as true tomorrow as it was yesterday. DaveNet : A Brief User Interface Manifesto I remember, as if it were yesterday, my first experience with a user. I had been developing a software product for three years, all the while thinking it was easy to use. A friend who had been listening to me gush about how great it was asked if he could try it. Hesitantly I

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