Father of Quantum Physics – Max Planck

Max Planck – Father of Quantum Physics

Quick Facts

1958 was the 100th birthday of Max Planck. His birthday was 24 April 1858.

Max was one of the father’s of Quantum physics. Beyond the fact that I am amazed that quantum physics has it’s origins so long ago. There is also the fact that in 1958, on the 100th anniversary of his birth East and West Berlin cooperated on a celebration of him and his works.

Why is it amazing they cooperated? For that you need to look into the history of Germany after the first world war and probably up to 1989.

Max won a nobel prize for his discovery of the quantum of action, Planck’s Constant, in 1918.

Resources on Max Planck

    • Nobel https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1918/planck/biographical/
    • Brittanica: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Max-Planck
    • Wikiquote https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Max_Planck

What information is missing from these articles?

What other resources can you find?

Questions to consider in your study of Max Planck

Pick 5 or more questions and make up a poster, book or slide show on Max Planck.

Who was Max Planck?

What was his family like?

What were Max’s personal qualities?

What notable events happened to him during his life?

What did he study?

What were his hobbies?

Who else did he know that you have heard of?

Why is he famous?

What did you learn about quantum physics in learning about Max Planck?

What laws are names after Max Planck?
– Do you understand them?
– Where could somebody go to learn more about them?

What areas of science did Max work in besides Physics?

Is there anything else about the science Max studied and discovered that you want to learn more about?

What can you infer from the information you now have but is not stated in any of the resources?

If you were to explain Max to a 5 year old how would you do so?

Can you make an artwork / poster that showcases part of who Max was or his discoveries?

What music do you think Max played?

How do you think the following effected Max’s life?

    • music
    • the outdoors
    • family
    • friends
    • war

Is there anything Max did that you would like to do this next week?

If you met Max and he was the same age you are, do you think you would be friends? Why?

In 1958 East and West Berlin cooperated in staging a celebration of Max Planck’s life and works. Why is this significant?

    • Why was there an East and West Berlin? Check out Germany’s history after World War II.
    • How did East and West Berlin treat each other in 1958?
    • What did they do to celebrate his life and discoveries?
    • Why was it Berlin that headed the celebrations?


Can human activity cause an earthquake? … Short answer is surprisingly yes.

My twitter feed enticed me with the line “Human activity triggered fatal Spanish #earthquake” I had to read the article.

To summarise the article:

There was a fault line which had pressure built up in it. In other words there was going to be an earth quake or more likely many small earthquakes slowly releasing pressure. The Lorca earthquake on 11 May 2011 was unusually shallow and was one large quake. Shallow quakes cause more damage than deep quakes.

If you or your partner have had a baby born after induction, you know that the labour is quicker than a natural birth. The pains come quicker and harder. Well with humans draining large amounts of ground water for irrigation, this worked a little like inducing a baby. The earthquake cam quicker and more violent than if it had occurred naturally. That meant more loss of life and injuries on top of more damage of homes and buildings.

The only upside to the whole thing is that seismologists gained information which might help assess the potential for triggering such earthquakes in future so we do not trigger worse earthquakes than would occur naturally, and maybe in the distant future we may even learn how to trigger small, deep earthquakes to release pressure even slower than nature does and prevent disasters. We can only hope.