Flash 5 player on HP Pocket PC

Breaking news from Flashenabled.com & Phillip Torrone, reporting directly from the Pocket PC Summit:

Folks, here is some exclusive news from the Pocket PC Summit. Macromedia announced that HP will be putting / distributing the Macromedia Flash Player 5 for Pocket PC soon, so that bascially means the millions of people with iPAQ are / will be FlashEnabled! I’ll have more details soon, but here it is. The Macromedia folks here said this was okay for me to post.

[PS: Not sure if Phillip was in a hurry here, or if all the HP Pocket PCs have been renamed iPaq’s for the HP / Compaq merger]

Its nice to see another line of PDAs get Flash 5 support, and again I hope that Macromedia help push the Flash MX player development for PDAs so that we don’t have to wait another two years to get the mobile devices updated with the current technology on other platforms. After all, aren’t we all on agreement that mobile devices is the next big thing?

Oh, and since we are on the subject of mobile devices, and I just pulled the whole news bullitin from Phillip’s site, here is a plug for the Flash Enabled book:

Flash enabled the book, build stuff for you Pocket PC.