This is news that has had many a blogger buzzing the last few days. Six Apart (Ben Trott and Mena Trott), the creators of MovableType, announced TypePad – a service that are likely to rival Google owned Blogger. The promises of the service are grand, including a built-in photo album creation tool, a built-in Blogroll – a list of all your favorite sites, or lists of books and music you are reading and listening to. The real killer of the service will be the template maker. Users will be able to design their blog without knowing, or seeing, any HTML code and with great control.
To me this project looks promising, but the skeptic in me want to see the system up and running before buying into all the hype. Remember, this is only the announcement of a newly founded company just starting up, not the launch of the actual service.
The Guardian wrote about it first, and have more of the story and details: Battle of the blog builders
[Via Anders Jacobsen’s Blog]
Wow… maybe I should start licensing my blog system… hehe