
Its time for another redesign. I was initially tempted to add a little more sassynes with images etc. But I decided to keep it clean and lean ;-)

I have removed a lot of javascript features, such as the pop-up window for commens, and I have also added more meta data. Some for the pleasure of the reader, others as experiments to see how they affect search engine rankings.

The design was inspired and based upon the work of Anders Jacobsen’s blog.

A version of the new design can also be seen on my norwegian blog: jarle p

8 thoughts on “Redesign”

  1. One thing I would change is the previous and next navigation. Perhaps you could win some space by rearranging the archives and home link and usage of images or symbols like >> etc to make it better visible. But as long as the headline of an article is not short enough it’s not really convincing. Though there is some additional space left at the right side of your template.

  2. Don’t want to get rid of too much whitespace either. And since the layout is scaleable it might not work too well for people with lower resolutions.

    I have tried to make it a little better by putting previous and next links on each their line. If anyone have a better solution, I am all ears :-)

  3. At least it’s now much simpler to click backwards or forward without mouse-pointer jumping. Perhaps I have to do something similar with my blog navigation.

  4. I think it was right that you decided for a clean design. It is quick and no probs with wrong java. It will be interesting to see your ranking affects in google. It will be nice if you can post the affects if there are some.

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