Windows client for MovableType and more

Ecto is a pretty cool new tool for MovableType, Blogger, Typepad and Windows users (Uses XML-RPC so it should be possible to use it with any blog system utilizing XML-RPC), at the moment it is in pre 1.0 beta, and this is my first post with it. Will probably report more about features and possibilites. The first that caught my eye is the possibility of having the song you are playing at the moment you are posting being listed automatically. Unfortuantly I haven’t been able to download the plug-in for WinAmp yet – but I will get to it.

A cool little function in the editor is that it will automatically past in the last url you have copied into the clipboard.

The only thing I am missing at the moment is a spell checker.

BTW: Ecto has been available for Mac for a long time.

5 thoughts on “Windows client for MovableType and more”

  1. 1.0.4 released

    Windows version has officially been updated to 1.0.4. Full list of the changes since 1.0.3 can be found in the History.txt file. The two most significant changes are the fix for “XML error” when saving drafts (along with other fixes

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