Mike weights in on the FlashComm bandwidth discussion

Mike Chambers has an interesting posting with links to articles and discussions going on about the Flash Communication Server and bandwidth discussion. Mike has some good points and does a good job balancing the whole discussion. The problem is that this is something that the end product (connected flash movies) is something that can be done with XML today (and thus is not as sexy). However, it is much, much easier using the Flash Communication Server (no need to parse XML, send and receive ActionScript data types, etc…), as well

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News from Loony Tunes land: Hacking made legal for Hollywood

I am sorry, but I have a hard time taking serious the bill proposal from Californian congressman Howard Berman that would give the entertainment industry the right to hack computers and networks to stop people from downloading music and movies off the Internet. What has he been smoking? Before the ridiculous no-linking cases in European courts, I would have said it couldn’t have happened anywhere else than America. Wired News has an interesting article that highlights the “dark side” of the hacking bill. The way the bill is written it

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Using the Google web service in Macromedia Flash MX

New tutorial from Macromedia: Using the Google web service in Macromedia Flash MX. A nice tutorial of how you can implement Google search with Flash MX and ColdFusion MX. There are several things that bug me though. First, why is it that Macromedia is only able to provide the tutorial as a PDF file? I can’t see any good reason why the tutorial couldn’t have been delivered online by HTML with the PDF download optional. And, why is it that the files are distributed as “windows source files”, I get

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Video greeting cards with Flash

Den Ivanov of Shockteam.com has released a Video Greetings service based on Flash MX and Flash Communication Server. I am sure we will see a lot more of these kind of services popping up. Check out the cool card I got from Jensa of Flashmagazine.com today, it shows how you end up looking when working from home. (Lets not talk about me looking even worse, at the office) I hope Macromedia has made sure to make good agreements for kickbacks from web-cam producers, because I can see how the easier

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