July 2002

Flash Communications: New server, new possibilities

David Dull has written an interesting article about the pros and cons of the technology exposed by the Flash communication server, titled: Flash Communications: New server, new possibilities I thought it might be worth speculating on what new possibilities this creates for us flash developers and whether this will be the bright new future of the web or if it will never get used and disappear like generator. NB: this isn’t a how-to or coding article, just my thoughts, speculations and ideas

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End User License Agreement strangeness from Macromedia

Matt Rice has discovered a strange EULA (End User License Agreement) from Macromedia. And at the same time he is proving that almost nobody ever reads those. The EULA in question is the license agreement for the Flash Communication Server Components. It basically states: You shall not (A) use the Developer Version for any application deployment in a live or stand-by production environment or staging environment, in each case, including, without limitation, in any environment accessed by application end-users including but not limited to servers, workstations, kiosks, and mobile computers,

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VI is for wimps

Thanks to Michael for reminding me of this webgem. Its about how VI, and how its wimpy to use it (obviously) for those of you not knowing VI, its an impressive editor – just a little rough for new comers and everyone grown up with something other than a command prompt as the GUI for a computer. (Alas, no fancy menus and all keyboard shortcuts), the only editor that is less new-user friendly is ED. Still VI is one of my favorite editors when dealing with config files etc. on

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Mesh on MX Chat

Mike Chambers have put up a nice little chat application on his weblog – lets just call it mesh on MX chat (look on the top of the page). Its based on Flash Communication Server components and the server itself (of course), with hosting from MediaTemple. I hope other hosting companies will be able to make deals resembling those that MT must have gotten (Yes, I am talking out of self interest here). The chat showcases a weakness of the components (I think), at least the chat does not seem

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Amazon Flash interface

It had to happen, and Mario Klingemann (Quasimondo) put it together first – The Flash amazonSearch He writes about his Flash interface for Amazon in his blog: I’m currently trying to implement some things that you will have difficulties to do in HTML. The whole idea is to have something like a table where all these books, CDs etc are lying around. Now you can make little heaps of stuff that interests you, throw away uninteresting stuff, see the connections, perhaps discover things you were not expecting and have an

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Airwolf Released

No, its not a movie based on the old TV-series, its the new Flash 6 player from Macromedia. But it is at least as exciting. A lot of bugs have been fixed, and there has been added support for ID3 (MP3 info) and a whole lot more. There are more information about the player in the release documents and the beta release documents. [Via mesh on MX]

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