Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

How (some of) the world view USA

Interesting rant from Canadian “blogger” Mark Prince. It echoes a lot of peoples sentiments about the United States: Big Brother Cometh Personally I have noted that a lot of people seem to become more and more negative to Americans in general. Something I don’t think is fair, after all – there is good and bad people in America as in any other country. But the US of A does have a image problem. One which can’t be fixed by anything other than a change in attitude toward the rest of […]

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Refining searches

Interesting article by Brian Berstein about Tools that refine web searches. Brian writes about Vivisimo that groups searches from Google in a more intuitive way. Seems to work OK for English, but not so good for other languages. While Brian writes extensively about Vivisimo, he also touches on some other interesting search refinement tools, such as Grokker, Touchgraph and a few search engines that rival Google.

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The new iPod Mini

Today Apple announced its new iPod mini – a mini version of its blockbusterselling iPod. The player comes with 4 GB hardrive, and the rechargeable battery lasts for 8 hours. The player will retail for $249 and will be available in stores from next month. (April in Europe). As some of you might know, several companies have come forth that offers to paint the dull iPods in various colours. And it seems Apple has kept its ears to the ground and picked up on that trend, because iPod Mini will

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Microsoft’s market share starting to slip?

Interesting article by Charlie Demerjian about the shift in the IT industry away from Microsoft and toward Open Source: The IT industry is shifting away from Microsoft Every so often, there is a big shift in an industry. The shifts are not usually visible until long after they’ve happened, making you look back and say: “Oh yeah, things were different back then”. Interesting analysis about what is making the market start to shift away from Microsoft and its products.

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Is Google good for you?

Bill Thompson at BBC World Service asks the question Is Google good for you? He talks about how Google has become more commercial, and claims that we are all suffering because of it. He actually goes as far as suggesting that search is now so important that it should be regulated, just like telecom and broadcasters are in the UK. While I will admit I don’t mind regulation of several areas, and that I am missing the regulation of power companies that we enjoyed in Norway until last year, I

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Please tell me that this is just a joke: PABAAH!. PABAAH stands for “Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood”. From what I have seen (Daily Show) and read (on the PABAAH site). I think the whole movement should be called “Supporting Bush and Mccarthyism against critiques” Calling people that happen to disagree with W. Bush communists and attacking them like PABAAH does can’t be something to be proud of, at least not if you believe in democracy. BTW: I actually thought the american democracy had come along to the point that

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PS3 Concept image

If this is anything like what the PS3 will look like, then sign me up for one right now! The picture is a concept picture that has been floating around on the web lately. More information about what we might expect from the PS3 has been revealed as well, from the VP of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. It appears we should expect motion detection and facial recognition technology to be a part of the PS3, which in turn should make for a lot of interesting applications, interfaces and last but

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