Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Todays blog-to-visit: Overshadowed

If you, like me, like good photography, then you shouldn’t overlook overshadowed Overshadowed is the photoblog of Keith Kin Yan. Many of his recent photo entries in his blog are photos shot with Hasselblad and Yashica medium format cameras. There are also pictures taken by his Nikon D2H digital camera. (OK, I officially have equipment envy). The pictures are both from New York City and Hong Kong and showcase some incredible skills on lighting and framework. Especially the medium format pictures are breathtaking. Well worth a look for anyone interested […]

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Making the most of Google Desktop search

I was a little slow to really pick up how cool Google Desktop Search actually is. Even with it installed I really didn’t get to utilize it 100%. Among the things I couldn’t get it to do, was search through content on network shares. And it seemed that the only way to accomplish Googeling those would be to run an instance of Google Desktop Search on the file server. In my case that is impossible, since Google Desktop Search is only available for Windows and the file server in question

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Google Sitemaps and Movable Type

Google Sitemaps is a new project from Google that aims to allow content creators to update the Google bots with information about site structure and update frequencies, among others. Google has made available a tool called Sitemap generator. Its written in Python to generate sitemaps from server logs, url lists and when run on your server it can also make lists based on server directories. There has been circulating a few different templates for Movable Type almost since Google Sitemaps was announced. Many of them has suffered from the rush

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CherryOS, Open Source Software and theft

Or how I came to read about Maui X-Stream and their software (CherryOS and VX30), that it appears is more or less based on every open source software out there. This story by Drunkenblog sets a standard for investigative journalism – one that not many of the regular media institutions can live up to – unfortunately. Deconstructing Maui X-Stream. Please be aware that its probably one of the longest blog postings around.

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Shocking news: Apple involved in theft of copyrighted material

I would have thought a software and IP-house such as Apple would keep its path clean and make sure not to infringe other peoples copyright or downright steal other peoples creations. Not so it seems. Apple and copyright violations – Virtuelvis The page in question that had made it on to the Apple web site, was a chopped-off version of the rounded corners tutorial, incorporated into the WebCore layout tests for generated content, most likely since earlier versions of Safari exhibited some very funky rendering (screenshot). The short story: Code,

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The ‘creator of blogs’ lets out some steam

Probably not the right thing to do, but I just can’t help myself. I think this says a lot about why so many people end up arguing and having problems with Dave Winer: Scripting News: 2/27/2005 A little story. I was at a meeting with potential investors when the Fortune article hit, with all the bloggers on the cover. We had just said I was one of the leaders of the blogging revolution, and one of the investors pulled out the magazine, as if to ask why my name and

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Hunter S. Thompson writes his last piece

Inventing Shotgun golf was the last project of brilliant Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Sunday night he used a gun to end his own life. Doc Searls writes: It may take awhile for the distractions to evaporate, and for the good doctor’s constructive contributions to achieve the recognition they deserve. So here’s a head start: He opened journalism to the rest of us: I have a theory that the truth is ever told during the nine-to-five hours. If I’d written all the truth I knew for the past ten years,

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Google Toolbar 3 Beta

Google Toolbar 3 beta has been released. New features: SpellCheck: Whenever users type into a web form (including web-based email, discussion forums, and intranet web applications), SpellCheck instantly reviews and suggests corrections. The AutoFix option enables users to automatically check and correct all the text they’re entering with one click. AutoLink: Whenever users see a U.S. address on a web page, one click on AutoLink automatically links the address to an online map. For example, if users are reading a review of a new restaurant, clicking on AutoLink will turn

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