Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Good Flash: Macromedia Executive Presentation

Nice to see Macromedia showcasing how Flash MX can be used to create hightly user-friendly, hard-hitting AND accessible presentations with “Macromedia Executive Presentation” Its a job well done. We get to see a nice clean user interface, good streaming and video in Flash MX, integrated well with clean Flash content. I hope Macromedia will make available an article that goes into detail on how the presentation was done, and the work that was put into making it. It is a good showcase of how to make a good presentation with […]

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Follow up: Nielsen to make “best practices” document for rich internet applications in SWF

Chris MacGregor has written a very good reply to Jakob’s latest addition to his “Flash 99% Bad” paper. You did notice that he has added text to it now, text that I am sure wasn’t added because of the job he now has gotten for Macromedia, after all – he is a serious researcher and have more integrity than that, right? Read Chris’s: The Cooler: An Open Letter to Jakob ‘MX’ Nielsen Nielsen himself weighs in on the announcement with an addendum to his Flash: 99% Bad column, but unlike

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Nielsen to make “best practices” document for rich internet applications in SWF

Macromedia announced today that the creator of the “Flash 99% bad” report, Jakob Nielsen will be working with them to develop a “best practices” for rich Internet applications.. The buzz is naturally on in the Flash community. Here are some links to coverage of the announcement: Flash usability site Flazoom: This really is not a surprise, if Flash is going to be accepted as a web application tool among the corporate world, Macromedia has to do something to offset Nielsen’s “Flash: 99% Bad” column from last year. Buying Nielsen’s consulting

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Follow up: RSS Auto-discovery – Important change to the LINK tag

The RSS Auto-discovery link tag has been changed. This change comes in response to (valid) criticism that the old way was too general, and could cause confusion if, in the future, there were other XML-based formats that pages wanted to link to. Using a more specific MIME type (the exact type was suggested by Dan Brickley) solves this potential problem, and the more specific title goes along with it. Here is the link tag as it now stands: <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”RSS” href=”url/to/rss/file” />

Follow up: RSS Auto-discovery – Important change to the LINK tag Read More »

Pictures and coverage from Pocket PC Summit

Phillip Torrone has posted videos and pictures from the pocket pc summit Folks, the Pocket PC Summit was sweet, no foolin’. Tons of smart people, tons of great sessions, tons of fun. Lots of folks are going to post stories about it so I’m going to post 94 photos and 2 videos. Phillip also points out that Bill Perry of created one of the best conference guides ever for the conference. (CAB file download)

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Why aren’t UserLand doing RSS Auto-Discovery right?

UserLand has announced support for RSS Auto-Discovery for Radio. This is great, but what is not so great is that they have implemented an extremely simple parser for the RSS link tag. Here’s an example of a link element that Radio’s aggregator understands: <link rel=”alternate” type=”text/xml” title=”XML” href=””> In order for it to work it must be formatted in exactly this way. It’s totally brutal. If the attributes aren’t all present, it fails. If they aren’t in the correct order, it fails. If the whitespace isn’t exactly as above, it

Why aren’t UserLand doing RSS Auto-Discovery right? Read More »

Autodiscover RSS feeds with Amphetadesk and Radio

This is worth spreading the word about: Autodiscovered RSS feeds By adding one line of HTML code in your weblog, you will enable users of Amphetadesk and Radio to subscribe to your RSS feed with the help of a bookmarklet. HTML Code: <link rel=”alternate” type=”text/xml” title=”XML” href=”” /> Bookmarklet for Radio Bookmarklet for Amphetadesk The bookmarklets should work in IE 5.+, Netscape 6+, and Mozilla. The HTML tag is a standard HTML tag, and will allow various applications/servers/spiders to find your XML feed. It can only be good to add

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Fisheye menu in Flash MX

Samuel Wan keeps on cooking on great Flash MX projects. This time its a Fisheye Menu in Flash MX that is up for serving. Sam’s implementation of the fisheye menu extends the original Listbox component that is part of the Macromedia components shipped with Flash MX. I must say I am impressed with the way the whole list menu handles, and with Sam’s references to sources for building it. But I am not so sure I like the usability aspect of it (see the demo). I feel the menu hides

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