SWFNews back

While some flash blogs (such as this one) is more or less asleep these days, others are waking up again. swfnews.com – The personal flash blog of Matt Rice is back again. If you aren’t checking this blog out, make sure to start right now. On his comeback Matt has chosen to use Movable Type for his blog, which means that you’ll be able to add his news-feed to your favorite RSS-reader/aggregator.

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DevCon coverage

You are probably all aware of Mike Chambers blogging from the Macromedia DevCon, as well as all the other blogs blogging from the conference Its no big surprise that this is heavily focused on technology, especially with the Macromedian’s using the new blogging tool of the season: video blogging. But even with all the cool technology, I have to admit that what I find most interesting to read out of all the blogging so far is John Dowdell’s writings from his lobby and poolside conversations. Which just clarifies what I

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DevCon 2002 blogged

A lot of the focus this year at the Macromedia DevCon seems to be about Flash, and that is very cool. What is even cooler is that Mike Chambers and the rest of the Macromedians have taken the blogging to the next level (much thanks to work done by Jeremy Allaire and others), and are offering video blogs together with the regular blogs. Check out Mike’s DevCon blog which shows off some of the cool things you can do with Flash today.

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Director 9/MX right around the corner

Director MX should be just months away. I have a feeling that it will be announced during DevCon 2002. Looking forward to seeing information about how it integrates into Flash MX and the rest of the MX family. I suspect it will be called Director MX and join the MX family. (Or maybe I should rather say, I hope). Why am I so sure its right around the corner? Because Macromedia is already talking about it, which usualy means its a couple of months away.

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Flash ActionScript Standard Library

Another cool project signed Mike Chambers is the ActionScript Standard Library (ASL), a new open source project opened at Sourceforge The project homepage says: The ActionScript Standard Library is a collection of ActionScript classes and libraries that aims to create and provide a standard library of functionality to ActionScript. If you want to join the development team, you can send an email to one of the admins. There is also a developers’ mailinglist which you can subscribe to. Nice to see there is a strong core developer group already, with

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Calling all norwegian Flash developers/designers – lets get together!

Norway is one of the few places around the world were we are lacking a real community for Flash developers. There has been some talk between various induviduals for some years now, but nothing has come out of it, people are still working on their own and without any networking. LETS CHANGE THAT! If you are a norwegian Flash developer or designer, then let me know. I want to get in contact with as many up and going Flash developers/designers as possible so that we all can start helping eachother

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Open Source Project from Macromedia: Flash Communication Framework

A very cool project fronted by Mike Chambers and Greg Burch is the Flash Communication Framework, its opened as a project on Sourceforge (one of the main tools for Open Source developers), but is still in alpha. I am really looking forward to seeing this project get into the beta stages, and opened up so that others can easily deliver code to the project. The Communication Framework is, to quote their own information: a client / server communication framework that runs within the Macromedia Flash Communication Server. Its aim is

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