Flash tips: Debug Flash Remoting outside the IDE

Greg Burch has a great tip when developing Flash Remoting apps: Debug Flash Remoting outside the IDE (yet in it at the same time) I build smaller remoting components that hook into a very large system. And it is nearly impossible to get that whole system running and kept up to date to test my small pieces. So I noticed that as long as I leave NetDebug.as included in my little pieces that if I have the IDE open and the NetConnection Debugger panel open it will catch Flash remoting […]

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Flash app: Amazon Explorer

What I like with Mario’s Quasimondo blog and his projects, is that he lets us follow his process while he is developing his Flash apps. Now he has gotten even closer to finishing the Amazon Explorer in his part 4. Its fun to see parts of his other Flash projects implemented with the Amazon Explorer, like his “Flash Connection” app. I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes available the source code for the Amazon explorer too, as soon as he is ready with it.

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Hot or Not blogs

Hot or Not have been running their voting system on peoples pictures for a long time, now they are at it with blogs as well. According to James Hong (one of the creators of Hot or Not) its not really released yet – its still under development and now in a very public beta of sorts – thanks to Dave Winer finding them in his referer log ;-) james hong’s Radio Weblog

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Flash Communication Server Stuff

In case you haven’t noticed. The cool stuff to thinker with right now is the Flash Communication Server. And there is a lot of stuff going on. A couple of new forums for Flash Communication Server: Flash Communication Server Mail List (run by Branden Hall) Flash MX Backend Communications Web Forum at Ultrashock And Mike Chambers is planning some cool testing of cool stuff (Flash Communication Server) on his cool blog tomorrow. He needs your help, and its going to be… neat ;-) [Mike Chambers]

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Flash Communications: New server, new possibilities

David Dull has written an interesting article about the pros and cons of the technology exposed by the Flash communication server, titled: Flash Communications: New server, new possibilities I thought it might be worth speculating on what new possibilities this creates for us flash developers and whether this will be the bright new future of the web or if it will never get used and disappear like generator. NB: this isn’t a how-to or coding article, just my thoughts, speculations and ideas

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End User License Agreement strangeness from Macromedia

Matt Rice has discovered a strange EULA (End User License Agreement) from Macromedia. And at the same time he is proving that almost nobody ever reads those. The EULA in question is the license agreement for the Flash Communication Server Components. It basically states: You shall not (A) use the Developer Version for any application deployment in a live or stand-by production environment or staging environment, in each case, including, without limitation, in any environment accessed by application end-users including but not limited to servers, workstations, kiosks, and mobile computers,

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