rants and raves

I will not be shut up

It seems like telling the truth and speaking your mind will get you in trouble wherever you are. At the very least it will get you some interesting e-mails threatening you with lawyers. That was exactly what happened again, today. I received another e-mail threatening me with lawyers. Maybe I should start a new category of the blog dedicated to being threatened with lawyers? What would a good name for such a category be, anyone? Well, lets cut to the case. This time there is no direct referral to juridical […]

I will not be shut up Read More »

A McSpoof please

As if it wasn’t obvious what would happen, McDonalds launced their own “Design-your-own-banner” campaign. The results can be viewed on top here. (Curtesy of AdRants) and on MonkeySpan which has lots of links to creative McDonald’s spoofs. I bet some people over at AdBusters must be delighted, although – it might appear that McDonalds should have anticipated it all – especially not with the Bush-Cheney poster “success”

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Protection against the press?

As many of you might have noticed: The right of free speech and a free media is what I consider fundamentals in an open and free society. And while I think we, the public, should have the right to know what goes on, and that people that voluntarily enter into the public arena (politicians, celebrities etcetera) should be prepared for extra scrutiny, I think that stories like the one going in the media today is a gross violation. The case? An e-mail gone astray. The story? A womans e-mail to

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Into Macromedia?

Or into something else? If you haven’t seen Macromedia’s excellent INTO – What are you into?, then you really should take some minutes to check it out. It features many interesting stories of peoples use of the internet and the web. One of the better is Tim O’Reilly talking about how the internet was a big revolution and people having trouble understanding that documents could come to you withing a matter of seconds from the other side of the earth, and how that has come so common place we don’t

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Nikken replies?

I am not sure if this reply was supposed to be an official reply from Nikken. But I thought it was so funny I should share it with you all. Its a comment to my first entry about the whole Nikken ordeal. Let me quote the comment in full. With all the interesting information: IP Address: Name: Eckhard Email Address: a@a.com Comments: Hello, I am looking thru the inernet today, and I think you are a very sad man that should surely go out and get a LIFE! Is

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Please tell me that this is just a joke: PABAAH!. PABAAH stands for “Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood”. From what I have seen (Daily Show) and read (on the PABAAH site). I think the whole movement should be called “Supporting Bush and Mccarthyism against critiques” Calling people that happen to disagree with W. Bush communists and attacking them like PABAAH does can’t be something to be proud of, at least not if you believe in democracy. BTW: I actually thought the american democracy had come along to the point that

PABAAH! Read More »

Sorry for the lack of updates

Its been over a month since my last update of the blog. Not too uncommon for blogs I guess, but its strange to be on the “outside” of all the fun stuff I see going on with Flash. Oh yeah, and some not so cool stuff — it sounds like there is always trouble when a new version of Flash comes out. So what is it that is taking away from my time to play with Central, Flash 7 and all the other cool stuff going on? Believe it or

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