Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Flash blog: moockblog

Nice to see Colin Moock get onboard the Flash blogs. I am sure that Colin will be a good addition to the Flash blogs, considering his well documented knowledge of ActionScripting and Flash (ActionScript for Flash MX : The Definitive Guide (Second Edition)). One of the very best Flash books out there! Not to mention his very good web resource with Flash/CSS/Javascript and web design/development information. Now, go visit his

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Finally about to hit the stores: Paperlike displays

This is a technology that many different companies have been working on for quite some time now. And now, according to some press photos and a VERY brief “press release” on Siemens AG’s web site, it seems like it might be just around the corner: Siemens AG – Siemens Innovations Paperlike Display One application of the “paperlike display” seems to have be given the name epyrus, but it is quite impossible to find any more information anywhere about the unit. It seems to be a PDA type device (see picture).

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Bush has already lost the war

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | ‘Bush has already lost the war’ Iraqi civilian deaths bring mounting pressure on US-led coalition “Even before the dust cleared from the bloody scenes at a Baghdad market where at least 14 people were killed … in a US-led air-strike, it was apparent that the Iraq war had taken a deeply disturbing turn. Coalition plans to advance on the capital are changing as US and British forces first deal with the resistance in the south …”

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Iraq body count

“We don’t do body counts” General Tommy Franks, US Central Command Norwegian newspapers report that 750 Iraqi soldiers have been killed in the battle for Najaf so far. There are no official numbers for how many civilians have been killed. A site that tries to put together information about civilian casualties is the Iraq Body Count site. At the time of this post the site claims the minimum civilian casualties of the war so far has been 213, maximum 292 souls. The site has published its methodology for gathering its

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Flash mini-blog reader from Michael Gunn

Its nice to see how the community keeps building on each-other. This time its Michael Gunn ( that has released a very nice, clean and fast mini-blog reader. Yes, that is right. I have finally created my own RSS blog reader! And it’s pretty darn cool if I may say so myself. It will eventually be part of the blog interface, so it’s in ‘Beta’ at this moment. Its based on Samuel Wan’s RSSDataFactory parser and Micheal has threatened to release the source code eventually. I can’t wait. This

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Double standard: War prisoners

This is typical of the american government’s hypocrisy: Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld told CBS that if they are indeed coalition soldiers, “those pictures are a violation of the Geneva Convention.” Arab TV Shows Captured American Troops ( But, of course, the Afghan prisoners held in Cuba aren’t prisoners of war, at least according to US government.

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The Bush Doctrine: War without anyone’s permission

Slate : The Bush Doctrine: War without anyone’s permission. By Michael Kinsley […] Bush is asserting the right of the United States to attack any country that may be a threat to it in five years. And the right of the United States to evaluate that risk and respond in its sole discretion. And the right of the president to make that decision on behalf of the United States in his sole discretion. In short, the president can start a war against anyone at any time, and no one has

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