Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Googles only real competitor bought by Overture

In the news today (Google news): The purchase of and its technology from Fast Search and Transfer to Overture Services Inc for 100 million US dollars. That, just a week after they announced their takeover of the Altavista search engine. Its going to be interesting to see if Overture, which made its money from pay-for-placement search, will add more of the same to both AltaVista and AllTheWeb. To me, it seems like AllTheWeb soon will be filled with pay-for-placement ads, and that it will become less of a competitor […]

Googles only real competitor bought by Overture Read More »

Market share of Internet Explorer inflated?

It certainly looks that way from the small tests that Arve Bersvendsen has done: When is MSIE not MSIE? It seems a lot of browsers are misrepresenting themselves as Internet Explorer. Probably because a lot of clueless javascripting on the web checks for “Internet Explorer”, and excludes other browsers. It would be interesting to know how those kind of misrepresentations affects “official” browser statistics.

Market share of Internet Explorer inflated? Read More »

So whats so cool about Trackback?

I am sorry for not taking the time to explain about Trackback in my previous posting. Fernando has already raised the question – “explain to me a good use of the trackback feature?” TrackBack (manual) enables weblogs to ping each-other, so if I am writing about something that Mike has already posted about – I can add his trackback url and his posting will be pinged, and I will be listed among the “Trackbacks”. Its a great way to keep track of weblogs posting about the same topic, and adds

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Having fun with MovableType

Having lots of fun with MovableType today, I have updated to the latest version (2.63) and moved my entries into MySQL – Should allow me to have some fun with statistics (expect some charts), and with extracting information easier than I did before. It also means that I am adding Trackback to my blog, and have also kick-started a wish to do a little with my CSS and templates. Don’t expect the CSS to become more IE friendly, there is a higher chance of the opposite, although I hope that

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NPBot – Nameprotect lying about respecting the robots.txt file

From what I have read about Nameprotect and their web-bots, I shouldn’t have been surprised that they are lying when they claim to respect robots.txt: […]Practices the following best practices to ensure non-invasive crawling: Honoring robots.txt files – to exclude the NPBot crawler, please use “NPBot” as the user-agent name in your robots.txt file […] I have added the necessary line to my robots.txt file to exclude the NPBot from my site, but they are still indexing without caring about what the robots.txt file says. Its also worth noting that

NPBot – Nameprotect lying about respecting the robots.txt file Read More »

So this is how Fox presents “news”?

Interesting transcript of a Bill O’Reilly Fox moment: GLICK: On September 14, do you want to know what I’m doing? O’REILLY: Shut up! Shut up! GLICK: Oh, please don’t tell me to shut up. O’REILLY: As respect — as respect — in respect for your father, who was a Port Authority worker, a fine American, who got killed unnecessarily by barbarians… GLICK: By radical extremists who were trained by this government… O’REILLY: Out of respect for him… GLICK: … not the people of America. O’REILLY: … I’m not going to…

So this is how Fox presents “news”? Read More »

On the top of the cool scale: AMF PHP

This is plenty cool. The reverse engineering of Macromedia’s proprietary data format AMF (ActionScript Message Format) has spawned a project on Sourceforge – AMF PHP – Flash remoting for PHP The reverse engineering of Macromedias AMF format is still in progress, but is already looking very promising. Only wish Macromedia themselves would have released the format so anyone could use it, without having to reverse engineer it first. Oh, and MM, please don’t kill this project off… [Via]

On the top of the cool scale: AMF PHP Read More »

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