Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Google Analytics and why Google is giving away thousands of dollars

Google has just launched its new service “Google Analytics”. Its an evolved version of the Urchin analytics system that you once had to pay up to $2500 a year to use. So why has Google bought a business just to turn its thousand dollars a year service into a free service? I think Google says it best themselves: Google Analytics Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. You’ll be able to focus your marketing resources […]

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Search Engine video lectures

Seems like interesting lectures. Search Engine Watch writes: Sergey Brin: The Video Lecture Google execs are all over the place talking all things Google these days. Several weeks ago Danny blogged about Professor Marti Hearst’s “awesome” UC Berkeley class featuring many presentations by some of the biggest names in the search biz including Battelle, Pedersen, Norvig, Dumais, Horowitz and MANY others. Even more exciting, all of the lectures are on the web and archived. This past week it was Sergey Brin’s turn to speak to SIMS 141: Search Engines: Technology,

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New online blog reader from Google

Google continues to crank out new services, and the last one to launch is Google reader I have been a happy user of Bloglines for a good while, and it was nice to discover that it was easy to export my Bloglines reading list to an OPML-file and import it into the Google Reader. Google has also made it easy both to import and export the reading list, so trying it out will be of no risk. Still not sure if I like Bloglines way of showing posts grouped by

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New Flash blog: Flashgamer

Jensa of Flashmagazine fame has finally gone to the “bold” step of setting up his own blog: Flashgamer This is what Jensa has to say about his new blog: Flashgamer won’t be a blog about me, but rather about some of my hobbies. I’ll post cool Flash Games that I find, personal opinions and small reviews on various games I play and maybe some Flash code snippets / rants. We’ll see. If you are intersted in Flash and game making then you should really pay attention to Jensas Flashgamer blog!

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Opera going tiny

This is just so incredibly cool. Opera has released a browser that will run on almost any J2ME (Java micro) cell phone with data connectivity. (Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia and others have support for J2ME and GPRS). Norwegian blogger and Opera employee Arve Bersvendesen writes in his blog: Opera Mini Opera Mini is based on two components. First, there is the client component, which is a J2ME application users can download and install on their phones. Secondly, and more importantly, there is the server component. When accessing the web with

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The Optimus visual OLED keyboard

Its on my wanted list: Optimus keyboard Every key of the Optimus keyboard is a stand-alone display showing exactly what it is controlling at this very moment. Talk about user friendly (not to mention flashy) keyboard. It is actually customizable to the application its used for. Unfortunately its just a design study right now – but the idea is so good and the technology should be there to start producing this. The only question in how soon it will come to market and how much it will cost. Me? I

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