Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Branden’s Components Rant

I think Branden’s intro is a good enough reference to his Components Rant: Time to let off some steam here… I keep seeing folks say that the built in Flash MX components are too complex, bloated, and that it’s better to just roll your own. I am even seeing some relatively smart folks spouting this kind of ignorant junk! And that’s exactly what it is, junk…. Read the rest of the rant at Branden’s blog

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Some interesting statistics

Since I just got the statistics for search on, I thought I would share the numbers with you all. Its interesting reading. Using Atomz Search, the top phrases searched were: 1. – “fireworks mx” 2. – “fireworks mx crack” 3. – “decompiler” 4. – “fireworks crack” 5. – “crack” Its kind of sad to see what people are looking for. It gets even worse when we look at the searches people used on various search engines to get to my site: 1. – dreamweaver mx crack matt 2. –

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Fight the CBDTPA

The Electronic Frontier Foundation Action Center has chosen to use Flash to make a fun animation about the CBDTPA, but the issue is serious enough. Big media corporations are trying to take away ownership from the consumers and make you and me pay for every single version of a digital work we consume. Imagine having to pay 4 times to have the same song on a CD, your MP3 player, your own CD-compilation for the car and on your computer. That is what Disney and others in reality is trying

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Studio MX shipping, dirt cheap

An amazing package of software was made available on the Macromedia site today (Studio MX press release). Macromedia Studio MX is a software package that includes includes Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia Flash MX, Macromedia Fireworks MX, Macromedia FreeHand 10, and a developer edition of Macromedia ColdFusion MX Server. The whole package is selling for US $799, pretty impressive concidering that the Flash 5 authoring tool was sold for $399 when it first shipped, and the price for Macromedia Flash MX is US $499. The package includes everything you need to

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Macromedia spotlights Flash MX community sites

Macromedia – Designer & Developer Center : Featured Community Site This is the first article in a new series that will periodically highlight Macromedia Flash MX community sites. These sites offer some of the top resources on using Macromedia Flash MX anywhere, and they provide information in the form of tutorials, articles, and forums. Most importantly though, they help define and foster the Macromedia communities – which are the single best and most important resource for information on the Macromedia MX tools. First time around they are spotlighting, with

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Happy birthday to me?

28th of may was/is (depending on where on the globe you are when I am posting this) my birthday. I have turned 29 for the third time. (Ok, so I am 32 ;-) I hope you don’t take offence, but I thought I would be a little weasel and suggest that you could send me a dollar or two as a birthday gift. I’ll use the money to buy a book or two, and send some more money to other resource sites I appreciate. You can send the money by

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Flash MX RSS parser

Samuel keeps on dishing out cool projects. This time around its an RSS Parser for Flash MX AUTHOR: Samuel Wan DESCRIPTION: A factory object which parses an XML feed and returns the information as a data object by passing the object as an argument to a callback function in the specified callback target. Only works with RSS 0.91 or earlier. For complete documentation, refer to the Actionscript in the first keyframe of the RSSDataFactory movieclip. This is going to be very useful, especially if someone adds RSS 0.92 and RSS

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More Flash MX on devices

Macromedia announced Flash MX support for the Toshiba Genio today. John Dowdell writes about it on his blog and referes to the list at Macromedia of Supported Devices & Platforms All this follows the announcement of the Pocket PC 2002 Flash MX player. But there is one thing that I can’t understand, the download or a link to the download of the Pocket PC 2002 Flash player can’t be found anywhere on Macromedia’s site. You would expect it to be found on the Macromedia Flash Player 5 for Pocket PC

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