Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Meta search engine with Flash interface

kartoo uses a Flash interface to show their search results, its especially useful when seeing how sites relate to each other, and easily narrow the search just by point and click. According to the FAQ at, they use a number of search engines (in other words, they are a metacrawler/meta search engine). They seem to rely heavily on Google, at least it seems that way from the searches I have tested there. They have a desktop version of their search in development, I think Kartoo might very well be […]

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Ideas for the evolution of RSS – The X-Document

Ideas for the evolution of RSS – The X-Document Interesting article about the proposed extentions of the RSS format for the next version. Things are moving again in the RSS development field. In the past two weeks we’ve had both Dave Winer’s “Ideas for the Evolution of RSS plus Jon Udell’s continuing work, and Steve Yost, David Weinberger et al, plus Mike Krus all talking of introducing new elements and features to the specification. These discussions have, in turn, sparked new ideas and further calls for new elements.

Ideas for the evolution of RSS – The X-Document Read More »

The Snewp – a cool new news search engine

Snewp indexes about 6000 news sources every day, gathering news headlines from around the world. (To quote Snewp). They are really updated, and have a lot of news available, the coolest part is that you can get results from news searches as RSS, making it possible to hook it directly into Radio, AmphetaDesk or any other RSS reader you might be using. The only complaint I have is that they are a little too easy on which news sources they are using, IMHO. Just check out a search for Flash

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Toon Boom Studio 2 with Flash MX support

Toon Boom Technologies has released a new version of their 2D animation solution for the web. This is a program that before V2 was a great time saver for anyone doing animations for web with Flash, and with Version 2 it has gotten even better. I quote from some of the new features: New in V2 3D Sceneplanning: New color transform and clipping effects. Different appearances for first and last key frame on a motion path so that you can easily identify and modify the key frame you want. Copy

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Follow up: Controversial Flash tool out in new version

Chris brought my attention to a discussion about Actionscript Viewer 3.0 on Flazoom I am not surprised by comments like: «Im really dissapointed that this new version of this product has come out. The purpose of this produt is to allow people to steal code, if stealing wasnt the motive then there would be a way to prevent decompilation» Luckily, the discussion is balanced and it seems that people understand that programs such as Actionscript Viewer does exist and deal with it. BTW: There is another product decompiling SWFs out

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O’Reilly Network: SWF Is Not Flash (and Other Vectored Thoughts)

O’Reilly Network: SWF Is Not Flash (and Other Vectored Thoughts) by Jacek Artymiak Interesting article from O’Reilly Network and Jacek Artymiak. He writes about SWF and takes the time to inform people about the openess of the file format, and how it compares to SVG etc. Many interesting quotes from the article. I thought I would quote a couple: Quote 1: True, raw SWF is just as comprehensible as an .EXE file. To understand it, we have to use an SWF parser. But is that a problem? Graphics or animation

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Linux for PS2 now available in Europe

Linux for PlayStation 2 Community: Home The kit constist of a 40 GB Hard disk, 10/100 Mbit/s Network Adaptor, USB Keyboard, USB mouse, Monitor Cable and DVD discs that contain the Linux installation, RTE and hardware manuals. The kit should be available all over the world by the end of this summer. Some more information over at Personally I am looking forward to converting my favorite game machine to a PC running Linux! :-)

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Macromedia Flash 5 player for Pocket PC 2002 released

Today Microsoft made the Flash 5 player for Pocket PC available for download. With Flash 5 support for mp3 sound, advanced scripting, and XML is added to the Pocket PC 2002 platform, making it easier to deploy advanced applications on mobile devices running Pocket PC. While its nice that we have finally gotten access to a Flash 5 player for the Pocket PC 2002 platform, its kind of sad that it would take so long for the player to be ported to this fast expanding platform. I hope Macromedia will

Macromedia Flash 5 player for Pocket PC 2002 released Read More »

Fun site: Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About

Things my girlfriend and I have argued about Nothing keeps a relationship on its toes so much as lively debate. Fortunate, then, that my girlfriend and I agree on absolutely nothing. At all. Combine utter, polar disagreement on everything, ever, with the fact that I am a text book Only Child, and she is a violent psychopath, and we’re warming up. Then factor in my being English while she is German, which not only makes each one of us personally and absolutely responsible for the history, and the social and

Fun site: Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About Read More »

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