More linkage to Macromedia Flash MX resources

Mike keeps up the good work with another overview of all the great new stuff that you can read at about Flash MX. Not to mention, a lot of people are putting great effort into trying to make us smarter, those darn fools ;-) Macromedia is obviously digging into their pockets and using their money to make something REALLY useful. Yes, thats right – I am highly sceptical of marketing talk – I am more interested in “the real deal” – good information, and so far one just have […]

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Viewer Screwer – the war of the ActionScript viewers and obfuscators is on

You might have heard of ASV (ActionScript Viewer) and Sothink SWF Decompiler MX 2002 Pro. Both are programs that allow you to decompile SWF files and peek into the ActionScript code (and get access to other resources in the SWF file too). Not everyone thinks is such a nice idea that people can peek into your code. Earlier crafty ActionScript gurus have found code that would crash the viewers, now there is a product that is supposed to take care of the “problem”. Anyone else think that this is starting

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Flash and Opera

Macromedia announces that Opera has licensed Macromedia Flash Player for inclusion in Opera embedded editions for Linux and QNX operating systems. This will bring Flash to a number of devices via Opera’s embedded browser. I hope the license also includes the ability for Opera to make the Flash MX plug-in available for other platforms they support, like Linux. At the moment the Linux platform is confined to the Flash 5 player. [Via JD on MX]

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Blogs: Google blog

This is mighty cool, a Google Weblog. Found it at “Everything burns“. On the Google blog I found some interesting information: The Google Dance Once a month Google calculates the pagerank of each page and changes the serp (search enigne result pages) for all keywords. The Google Dance is the time between the start and the end of an update. In that time you get different results on, and Normally the Google Dance takes about 4 days. I also found a link to a new ODP category

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Flash RSS Reader 1.5

Version 1.5 of the Flash RSS Reader has been released today. The reader now sports categories as well as a favorites category where you can add the Flash newsfeeds that you want to read. The real news in version 1.5 is the ability to add any newsfeed supporting RSS 0.91, which means that the Flash RSS reader now have become a general RSS reader, very nice. The reader gives you the option to set the Favorites category as the default start up category. This is great work from Phil Chung.

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Flash remoting – explained for the geeks

I have been trying to figure out what is going on with Flash remoting and PHP lately. Especially since Mike Chambers keep dropping hints that something might be happening. For now, the best information (for us developers) that I have found, is a posting by one of the Flash Remoting and JRun developers, that goes into detail of how the Flash remoting actually works. (Thanks to Mike for the link)

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