More security problems found in IE

If you are using Internet Explorer as your browser, using the back button could expose you to malicious code. Microsofts reaction? «because the proposed exploit scenario is dependent upon specific user interaction as a prerequisite, it does not meet our definition of a security vulnerability.» Another Big MS Browser Hole Found The security fix? Switch to Opera today.

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More Google API

I hope you get to check out the Google Box I have added, using Sebastian Bergmann’s excellent Google API PHP class together with PEAR’s SOAP client (soon to get a homepage). Ohh, BTW: I can’t wait till someone connects Moveable Type with the Google spellcheck. The spellcheck Paolo Valdermarin calls “The most democratic dictionary” (well worth a read for an insight to the spellcheck / dictionary and how it possibly works). Until someone gets the spellcheck wired into MT, I guess I will have to live with Hypertext Webster Gateway.

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Why RTFM Won’t Work: Documentation As Narrative

Russ Lipton writes about documentation. I must say I share many of the same thoughs about the lack of documentation for a lot of products/technologies. (Hey John, are you reading this?). I haven’t really gone deep into Radio, but what I have seen – is that they are using their own tool (eating their own dog food) for documentation. Not sure if I like it or not, I must say that in everyday work I put in high regards the documentation for PHP – which to me is a meeting

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Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, revisited

Marc Rotenberg revisits Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451: Fahrenheit 451 is not simply about book burning. This is a world where the culture of censorship has permeated the public and the where the culture of censorship has permeated the public and the private. There is no intellectual life. There is no political life. Interactive broadband technology provides endless entertainment through the full-screen images that appear on the walls of a parlor room. Words of meaning cannot be transmitted in any physical media. They must be memorized and passed on as they

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Not enought hours in the day?

Los Angeles Times writes: What if you could take a pill and stretch your day–by skipping sleep? That sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but a drug called Provigil could make it possible. Studies have shown that this new medication allows people to remain awake and attentive when their bodies normally crave shut-eye, without suffering the unpleasant side effects and risk of addiction associated with caffeine, amphetamines and other stimulants. A Pill to Stretch Your Day

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Finally updated Moveable type

Finnaly gotten around to update Moveable type today, so now we are at version 2.0 :-) I did it in part to be able to include searches from Google directly in my weblog, through the Google API – Josh Cooper has made available a hack for Moveable Type to make Google’s API work with it. I can get it to work, the only problem is that the building of the pages never stops, and that the process that it starts continues to hug as much cpu as possible from the

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