July 2002

Pick your Unix version of the Flash Communication Server

Mike Chambers writes about the questions about *nix versions of the Flash Communication Server MX Currently, it is only available for Windows servers, but we will be releasing Unix versions later in the year. Make sure to send which Unix flavor you prefer to the wish list. This will help us to prioritize the work. So if you have a Unix flavor of choice you would like to see the Flash Communication Server released on, let Macromedia know. (And, just FYI – various distributions of Linux does not constitute various […]

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Fun: Altered Ego

My brother gave me a hint about this cool comic strip – Altered Ego is about a guy that seems to think that days are made for sleeping and nights are made for.. ehh.. well.. I am not sure the main character of the strip knows either.. But one thing is for sure – he is an struggling artist ;-) Hmm, for some reason my brother thought this was appropriate to send me as an apropos to weblogs. hehe – I am not sure if he is talking about struggling

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Random Media Flash Communication

Random Media is todays Macromedia Site Of The Day and its not hard to see why. It showcases some of the possibilities with the Flash Communication Server MX. The site allows you to navigate through a world of audio, text and images and also seems to have a time dimension of sort. If you have a web cam or a microphone you can add to the mix with your own images and sounds, I found a lot of funny things on my trip through the site.

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Having a good time with my new monitor :-)

Pretty perverted, huh? The F.A.Porsche designed monitor from Samsung can be made to turn over on the side and let me browse the web at 1028×1280 – or work in Flash for example. :-) I think that is going to become my favorite position for it ;-) Here’s some pictures just to give you some insight into how my world looks like when browsing the web and working different applications right now:

Having a good time with my new monitor :-) Read More »

Flash Communication Server MX released

Macromedia has released the Flash Communication Server MX and they already have up an impressive development center for the server. This new server from Macromedia sports multiway audio and video streaming and messaging, making it ideal to be in the center of collaboration systems and multimedia delivery. Macromedia has only released it for Windows so far, but there are versions for Linux and Sun in the lineup. We have some screenshots up at Flashmagazine.com of the development part of the communication server, and there will be more articles made available

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Flash based e-mail

Toast.com offers a Flash based GUI for their free e-mail service. It looks good, and I am sure it will appeal to those that think Hotmail and friends look too damn ugly. But the usability of this e-mail Flash application could have used a real workover. First of all, why not use some common GUI idioms instead of making up their own GUI? This kind of application is most certianly not going to become the primary application for any of the users (ok, I take that back — there might

Flash based e-mail Read More »

Protecting Your Flash and Shockwave Content from Thieves

Interesting article by Gary Rosenzweig about how to protect your Flash and Shockwave content from thieves, he has some good suggestions, but I think John is right when he says that its probably better to make a theft-protection system that only fails once in a while – that way its harder to catch for the thiefs. [Via John Dowdell] (Welcome back from the accordion vacation John :-)

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Optimaze! released

The Flash compression tool Optimaze! has been released by Ideaworks3D via Electric Rain in the US. The tool can now be bought at the Electric Rain website for US $129. The price might seem steep, but concidering the kind of work you would have to put in to even get close to its compression of the SWF files, the program easily pays for itself in reduced headackes and time spent doing manual optimization. What Optimaze! does is to simplify and compress the vector graphics in the SWF files. And it

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Macromedia ASP.NET development center

Macromedia has added the Macromedia Application Development Center for ASP.NET to their list of resources for people wanting to use Macromedia Flash MX and DreamWeaver MX together with ASP.NET technology. So if you are developing solutions based on Microsofts ASP.NET, you now have a lot of useful information available at Macromedia.com. If, on the other hand, you are a Java developer, you should check out the Macromedia Java Development Center. [Via Mike Chambers]

Macromedia ASP.NET development center Read More »

New articles and tutorials at Flashmagazine.com

Thought I would link to a couple of new articles posted at Flashmagazine.com. David Vogeleer has written a nice follow-up tutorial on arrays: The Power of Arrays II – You can also read his first tutorial “The Power of Arrays – Array Fundamentals” Stephanie Reindel of Flash99good has written an article titled “We’ve Got Flash – The Ominous Wow Factor and Its Adverse Affect on Usability” As you might have discovered, Flashmagazine.com hasn’t only been redesigned, it has also woke up from the sleep that it has been in more

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