June 2004

Free beer for usability

Interesting idea: Café testing The basic idea behind café testing is to situate yourself at a café, put up a sign to attract participants, and test the people that come to you. Because cafes appeal to a wide variety of individuals, and people at a café often have time to spare, café testing can be a great way to perform a quick litmus test in the marketplace. Sounds like work for usability testers with a taste for beer ;-) [Via Brukaropplevingar.com]

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Gmail invitation

Seems like all the bloggers I know have invitations to give away. Well, they are not alone. Although it took a while before I got my first invite, I am now reciving a lot of them from Google Mail. Because I am such a lazy bloke (all programmers are lazy, I am told), I’ll just copy/paste the text from Anders regarding the invites I have to give out. Like many others, I have a couple of invites to Gmail available. I initially had 3, gave them out and now I

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TV the next big thing?

Yes I know, you are wondering if I have lost it. To be honest when I read all the fuzz about it I thought “TV? That has been around for ages, how can that be new and exiting and about to explode?” Well, its really quite simple. There is a new revolution about to happen. Technologies are coming together to make it a lot easier for anyone who wants to produce and distribute TV-content. BuzzMachine has the details [Via Doc Searls]

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Teenage blogs

Interesting research of how blogs are used by teenagers. BBC News: Teenagers reach out via weblogs Teenage boys and girls are using blogs, easily publishable online diaries, in many more similar ways than has been predicted, according to a study. Previous studies on gender and the net have suggested girls communicate better, and more often, than boys. But US researcher David Huffaker’s study of 70 blogs contradicts this. He found the gender split in blog use was 50-50. But worryingly, teens tended to reveal more personal details on blogs than

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Fighting spam with insults?

One of my many domains have been used by spammers for a while. Unfortunately its not much I can do about it, without spending a week to try to track down the perpetrators. It has resulted in numerous bounces from addresses that doesn’t work, vacation messages etc. While most spammers don’t use real e-mail addresses anymore, but instead resort to “steal” other peoples domains to use as sender addresses, I would not recommend doing what this girl did today. It could possibly confirm your e-mail address to the spammers. And

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