Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Ddos’ed by comment spammer

Now I have experienced being taken off the net by a comment spammer. Some lame ass trying to advertise his prono-site attacked my server with comments. Handeling MySQL inserts, page rebuilds etc. just got to much when MT was told to do it several times a second. Luckely I discovered it in time to shut down the webserver, block the offending IP, and then restart. Now I am curious to see if the ISP of the offender will take action against him/her/it.

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Sorry for the lack of updates

Its been over a month since my last update of the blog. Not too uncommon for blogs I guess, but its strange to be on the “outside” of all the fun stuff I see going on with Flash. Oh yeah, and some not so cool stuff — it sounds like there is always trouble when a new version of Flash comes out. So what is it that is taking away from my time to play with Central, Flash 7 and all the other cool stuff going on? Believe it or

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Being a Macromedia affiliate = being a sell out?

While nothing new to the Flash / MM community, the addition of the Macromedia Affiliate program has raised some eyebrows. Todd Dominey write in his blog What Do I Know about the affiliate program, referring to it as kickback Imidiatly there are comments such as “you just became a fulltime salesperson for them”. Which makes me wonder, do people actually think that hosting a blog with a lot of traffic is free? And do they belive that people will sell out for some few dollars from some “bigco”? Come on

Being a Macromedia affiliate = being a sell out? Read More »

ActionScript reference library – The community doing Macromedia’s job launched their ActionScript Reference library this week. Complete with user contributed notes. Its a joint venture between several Flash resource sites, and many of the top ActionScripers in the community. Building a reference for ActionScript has been something that the community has talked about for many years, and Macromedia has failed to deliver the reference resource so many developers and designers have been wanting for. True, Macromedia have their ActionScript Dictionary, but that reference is both unsearchable and un-noted. Not allowing for user feedback to the dictionary is a

ActionScript reference library – The community doing Macromedia’s job Read More »

Counter Googeling

Good article at Companies ‘googling’ their customers to offer them personalized services. I’ll come right out and say it: I am using Google in that way already, and have been for a while. Mostly because I am a curious fscker. Now I have a good reason to quote if anyone wonders why I am reading up on them ;-) Seriously though, I can see the benefit in this. So to my next hotel: I like seaside views, English breakfasts and comfy beds. *g* [Via A Whole Lotta Nothing]

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Google adds ‘~’ operator

Google Weblog: Big News! New Google Operator So what is the big deal? The ~ operator adds the ability to search for synonyms of the keyword marked with the “~”. Example: weblog help and weblog ~help According to the Google Blog the ~ character was chosen because it’s shorthand for approximate and a good way for users to express their wish to expand searches to include synonyms. More information at Google’s search help [Via Google Blog]

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The Flash 7 buzz is on

If you follow the flash blogs, you would have had a hard time missing the launch of the public beta of the next Flash player. It seems we are in for a lot of sites coming and going with unofficial information about the player, as well as drips of information from the Macromedian bloggers. One of the key new features is that the new player is self updating, a feature I know Macromedia has been more or less aware of was needed since Flash 5. Other news is improvement in

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