Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

MTCodeBeautifier – ActionScript highlight plug-in for MovableType

Here is a cool plug-in for MovableType, it is sure to become very useful considering how many Flashers are using MovableType today. (Not to mention all the Perl and PHP programmers using it): MTCodeBeautifier – MovableType Syntax Highlighting Plug-in It is Sean Voisen of (former EatOrange) that has taken a project called Beautifier, used for Perl code highlighting, and added support for ActionScript and several other script/programming languages, as well as adding the necessary code to make it into a MovableType plug-in. Great work Sean! :-) Testing the plug-in:

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So much for free speech in the US: Lawyer arrested over anti-war T-shirt

Times Online: Shooting the messenger: lawyer arrested over anti-war T-shirt POLICE have arrested a 60-year-old lawyer wearing a T-shirt saying “Give Peace A Chance”. A judge charged Stephen Downs with trespassing after he politely declined to leave the Crossgates Mall in a suburb of Albany, New York State, on Monday evening, or remove his top, which he had had printed there. Mr Downs pleaded not guilty and cited his right to free speech. He could face up to a year in prison. His son, Roger, 31, avoided arrest by removing

So much for free speech in the US: Lawyer arrested over anti-war T-shirt Read More » invisible?

Congratulations Macromedia, with a new site. I like the design, but that is about all the good things I can say about the site. I guess it is true that a picture is worth more than a thousand words. In this case its worth more than any words, because without Flash – using Opera – this is what I get: I guess Macromedia isn’t all too interested in trying to push Flash on me either, not even to allow me to view their site.. Branden has some comments about the invisible? Read More »

Branden J Hall reflects on the past few years

Branden has a cool rant on his blog “How did I get here? (What Have I done?)“, its a short story about how his life has changed through the Flash community. Its a real sunshine story, he got fame, wife and riches through his work with Flash ;-) You can read more about Branden at Jensa did an interview with Branden at the FlashForward 2000 NYC conference entitled “Flash changed my life” which goes into more detail than Branden’s post :-) There is also a Flash/audio interview up at

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FlashBang: Or how to hide from search engines

FlashBang is probably going to become one of the popular extensions to Dreamweaver MX, it allows for adding navigation elements (menus, buttons, pause/play controls etc). to web pages, but it could also become a tool to hide from search engines. An effect I doubt the creators either thought of or intended and I know a lot of its users will be equally ignorant to the problems and invisibility it will bring upon them. Now, Dreamweaver MX already has the evil of Flash menus and text implemented, and allows for generation

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Comments from John Dowdell on AMF-PHP

Robert had some concerns about how Macromedia will respond to the AMF-PHP project. So its nice to see John write about AMF PHP legalities. Or not write about, depending on how you look at it ;-) Anyway, if you’ve read this far, yes, I don’t know anything about the legalities of all this. ;-) If you need something ironclad then I’d recommend contacting the lawyers directly. I haven’t seen any red flags in this area, for whatever that’s worth. He has, however, some nice comments on AMF-PHP and to me

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Flash: AMF-PHP together with MM’s Myphoto application

Nice to see examples of use of AMF-PHP together with Flash remoting applications: Flash Remoting with PHP and the DesDev Resource Kit 2 For the Flash .fla file, I only had to modify 3 lines of the ActionScript, specifically the gateway URL and the service connections, so that they reflected the location of my AMF PHP based gateway. That was it for the .FLA. The real meat of the work involved creating a PHP class that replicated the functionality of the ColdFusion Component

Flash: AMF-PHP together with MM’s Myphoto application Read More »

Mike Chambers picks up the stick on ActionScript documentation

This is something I discussed with Jeremy Allaire and possibly also Mike Chambers two years ago – At FlashForward in NYC 2001. The PHP documentation has been the prime example of good documentation and function reference on the web for a long time, and in my interview with Jeremy in 2001 I brought it up, and asked whether Macromedia would make documentation of Flash available in the same manner. Now Mike is asking the question “Would you be interested in a PHP like documentation system for ActionScript? What features would

Mike Chambers picks up the stick on ActionScript documentation Read More »

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