Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

jdb cyberspace to go – The pda version of this blog

This was fun, it took me a couple of minutes to add a PDA version of jdb cyberspace, and then make an AvantGo channel of it. Good advice and Moveable Type template provided by I will probably tinker with the layout of the channel, and change it around a little, but the channels url will be the same, if you want to use it with AvantGo. The direct url is:

jdb cyberspace to go – The pda version of this blog Read More »

Flash MX ActionScript class for the Macromedia XML Newsfeed

Mike points out that Macromedia has made available an ActionScript class that will parse the XML feed into a DataProviderClass “which makes it pretty easy to use”, quote Mike Chambers. There is also an example there of how you make sure that you are able to load the XML newsfeed from the Macromedia site, as far as I can tell what he is doing in CFML is a regular redirect from a local domain url to Macromedia’s URL. Since Macromedia isn’t showing the code for PHP, ASP or Perl –

Flash MX ActionScript class for the Macromedia XML Newsfeed Read More »

Flazoom celebrates 2 years of duty for the Flash community

I hope Chris will be celebrating with some sparklies today, even if its only some sparkly water. Flazoom is Chris MacGregors baby in many ways. And over two years it has accumulated a lot of knowledge about Flash and Usability. Chris was in many ways ahead of his time when he launched Flazoom as a weblog 2 years ago. He and the other co-editors of Flazoom has really been busy the last two years. 1400 reviews and news items translates to approximately 4 postings every single day, and most of

Flazoom celebrates 2 years of duty for the Flash community Read More »

Flash Enabled book site launched

The Flash Enabled book site has been launched. Its all in Flash, and looks great. I miss some sample chapters from the book, but otherwise the site seems to give good insight into what the book covers – giving brief descriptions of each chapter. The site also contains the important extra files to check out while reading the book. You will need the book to get access to the files though. For more on the Flash Enabled book, check out my previous post.

Flash Enabled book site launched Read More »

Macromedia’s XML feed translated to RSS

This is cool, Jon Udell used the W3C’s XSLT transformation service to convert the XML newsfeed from Macromedia to an RSS feed with the help of an XSLT stylesheet In my opinion, Macromedia should make their feeds available as RSS 1.0 and 0.91 or 0.92 – and possibly a number of other formats. Shouldn’t be a big deal to do – and would make the feed more available than it is today. I am especially missing a category definition in the feed, being able to filter the newsfeed to only

Macromedia’s XML feed translated to RSS Read More »

Flash blogs: eat orange

eat orange :: 100% vitamin c Is not about oranges, but rather another Flash blog on the horizon. Thanks to my frequently updated referer logs (still trying to figure out if I should make it available), I spotted this new Radio weblog. Seems like it could become an interesting place, especially with Sean Voisen’s interests: I’ll be posting links to information and tutorials on whatever “new-fangled” technology interests me most at the given time. Right now, this seems to be Macromedia MX technologies, the Jabber XML protocol, and Cocoa/Obj-C. But,

Flash blogs: eat orange Read More »

Nice Movable Type hacks

Scott Andrew is a guy that always has lots of interesting knowledge to share about Flash, XML, JavaScript, DHTML etc. And he is also using Movable Type for his weblog. I just discovered that he has put together a few Movable Type hacks, very nice :-) I just installed the «Search Link Shortcuts» which adds buttons to easily add links to Google search, dictionary search and Amazon search, so now you all know the reason for those kind of links poping up in the time to come :-)

Nice Movable Type hacks Read More »

Controversial Flash tool out in new version

Buraks has released Action Script Viewer 3. The latest version can decompile Macromedia Flash 4, 5 and MX SWF files. I know some of the people in the community would want all information about tools such as this to be secret. Personally I think its important to know how easy it is for people to steal your code, and how unsafe information in an SWF file really is. [Via Flazoom]

Controversial Flash tool out in new version Read More »

Macromedia is teasing us about new Flash Communcation Technology

Macromedia – Flash Communication Technology With the introduction of the Macromedia MX product family, Macromedia has announced its intention to provide new server solutions for enabling the creation of next-generation communication applications that leverage the Macromedia Flash client. The new communication server technology will unite communication and applications

Macromedia is teasing us about new Flash Communcation Technology Read More »

Samuel Wan connects Lego with ColdFusion

This is what I call playing with toys! :-) Samuel Wan has connected his Lego Mindstroms robot with ColdFusion I think the high point of the day was when I sent my browser to http://localhost:8500/webrover/test.cfm , and my robot suddenly smacked into the wall on other side of the room. It scared the heck out of my cat! *sniff* The little webrover is all grown up and running around :) He will be making available code and instructions so that you can do the same fun stuff with your Lego

Samuel Wan connects Lego with ColdFusion Read More »

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