
More about Stewart vs Crossfire

Rick Ellis writes a good piece about the Daily Show, Jon Stewart, Crossfire and Novaks reactions after the fact. I think Rick is dead on when he writes You can see just one small indication of the problems facing old media by looking at the aftermath of Stewart’s “Crossfire” appearance. While Friday’s show received decent numbers for an episode of “Crossfire,” that’s not the way that most people viewed it. Videos of the show were passed around online last weekend, from sites such as iFilm (where more than a half […]

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Daily Shows Jon Stewart on Crossfire

Author and fake news anchor Jon Stewart was guest on CNNs Crossfire last friday. Rather than plugging his show and book Stewart took Crossfires Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson to school and said Crossfire was hurting America. The show turned into a discussion about Crossfires and medias failure to make politicians accountable and to ask the tough and real questions instead of just following the spin. I thought it was a very interesting edition of Crossfire, and I hope (although, I wouldn’t place much money on it) that Tucker, Paul

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How to deal with a spinner

Finally someone has given us an example to follow on how to deal with a spinner. Chris Matthres of the MSNBC program Hardball nails Michelle Malkin to the wall for trying to spin John Kerry as having shot himself to earn a purple heart. DV Guide : HOWTO Deal with a Spinner: MSNBC’s Chris Matthews [Update] Here you can see the video without having to install Bit Torrent (if it wasn’t already)

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Fahrenheit 9/11

New York Times article about Michael Moore award winning movie Fahrenheit 9/11: Frank Rich (NY Times): Michael Moore’s Candid Camera. Of course, Mr. Moore is being selective in what he chooses to include in his movie; he’s a polemicist, not a journalist. But he implicitly raises the issue that much of what we’ve seen elsewhere during this war, often under the label of “news,” has been just as subjectively edited. Perhaps the most damning sequence in “Fahrenheit 9/11” is the one showing American troops as they ridicule hooded detainees in

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Rumsfelds deception

Interesting to note that the Bush government, and Rumsfeld in particular is denouncing ever having made Saddam out to be an immanent threat to the USA. MoveOn.org has picked up the ball with the distribution of a video clip they describe like this: Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld got caught blatantly contradicting his past statements, and we have the video clip. You can watch the video at MoveOn.org – Caught on video MoveOn.org is calling for censure. Wanting congress to reprimand Bush and his government for misleading the American public. We

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Banned on CBS: MoveOn’s ‘Child’s pay’.

The Bush In 30 Seconds ad contest held earlier this month resulted in the winning 30 second entry Child’s pay that was supposed to be aired during the Super Bowl today. It seems the Child’s pay ad from MoveOn was too much for CBS, and they claim they won’t run it because they don’t run “issue ads”. Now, it seems CBS has run issue ads before: DaveNet : Is CBS Lying?. MoveOn has posted the following information about the CBS refusal to run the ad: CBS is refusing to run

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