Anti-Terror Campaign Cloaking Human Rights Abuse

Just thought I would take the time to refresh everyone on the reoccurring story of the fight against terrorism taking human rights hostage. Anti-Terror Campaign Cloaking Human Rights Abuse (Human Rights Watch Press release, January 16, 2002) “Terrorists believe that anything goes in the name of their cause. The fight against terror must not buy into that logic. Human rights principles must not be compromised in the name of any cause.” Resorting to the same tactics as terrorists, and sacrificing human rights is not the way to address terrorism. Its […]

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The talk of the town today: Screenweaver MX

The community is buzzing with blog entries about Screenweaver MX, and I can understand why. Screenweaver MX is a really powerful tool for creating Windows applications with Flash MX. And some really cool programs/applets have already come to live thanks to it. large version Here is what the Flash blogs are writing: Jeremy Allaire: Rubberduck, a Netherlands-based software group, just released Screenweaver MX, a powerful tool that enables developers to build full-featured desktop applications using Flash MX. I had the benefit of participating in the beta and getting a view

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Bad service in the US too

John Dowdell has experienced the spreading bad service of a big shop when doing his Mac shopping at CompUSA. He writes that he so far has visited the store twice – in total spending 1 hour and 15 minutes to get the wrong RAM for his iBook. These kind of shopping experiences are becoming all to common. And at shops like CompUSA (In Norway, simular shops could be Elkøp, Lefdal, Spaceworld and a bounch of other big chains). The problem is high demand, not enough people to help the customers,

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Tim O’Reilly about copyright and new technology

Anyone interested in copyright vs new uses of technology should read Tim’s Piracy is Progressive Taxation, and Other Thoughts on the Evolution of Online Distribution, it really shifts the point of view from the big media corporations somewhat paranoid view of digital content, to a more down to earth and possible way of using the new digital opportunities. One thing to remember, before reading Tim’s story, is that historically all new technology has been looked upon with great paranoia and promise of doom from the likes of RIAA and MPAA.

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Google viewer

A cool new way to watch search results are shown with the Google Viewer, fresh out of the Google labs. I am ever amazed how fresh and clued this company is :-) Must be perfect for people that just want to browse through search results, although using it on my 800×600 laptop wasn’t 100% perfect.

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