Chris is halfway to DevCon

Its looking good, Chris MacGregor was having problems finding the money to attend the Macromedia DevCon conference to be held in Florida in October, but now he has already collected half of the $1250 he needs to be able to attend the conference. I would have liked to see Macromedia spend some more money on the speakers and cover the costs for them, but failing that its good to see that the commnity is getting together and helping one of its hard working members. Even more gratifying is it to […]

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Private and public

Photography is one of my favorite hobbies, and besides from finding my inspiration out in the nature, I sometimes find sites with great photography on the net. Private and Public is one such site, made by a fellow scandinavian, the danish Simon Høgsberg. All of the photographs in his “Private and public” project was taken of unsuspecting londoners. To quote Simon: All images are taken over a period of a year – from early summer 2001 to late Spring, 2002 – and apart from the portraits taken during the summer

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Get Chris to the DevCon conference

My rant about the poor way Macromedia is treating the speakers at their 1000 dollar DevCon conference received a lot of attention. Especially the call to boycott the event, and my complaints about Jakob charging extra for his session. Well, as you may all have seen, I didn’t have all the facts straight. Jakob is having his own mini-conference before the event. I should have checked my facts a little better before ranting – and for that I apologize. I feel the focus was shifted from what I felt was

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Flash player 6 Linux Beta signup

Macromedia has started their signup for the Flash 6 player beta for Linux. Mike writes that they are looking for people that are going to bang on the player and find any issues. If you are a Linux person interested in Flash, send them an e-mail to let them know you are interested. No date for the release of the beta of final version of the player, but it seems like it should be just around the corner. [Via: Mike Chambers]

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Pay to speak at DevCon?

I am blown away by the great program at Macromedia DevCon this year. The conference isn’t cheap, and is held at a rather expensive area in Florida – but I was still seriously working on getting there. Now I have changed my mind and will boycott the event, and I think you should too. Why? Because Macromedia is treating their speakers for the event bad. And they are treating the Flash developer community equally bad in letting some of the speakers actually charge extra for attending their speech. Jakob Nielsen

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Flash video bonanza

Interesting to see Sorenson (Squeeze) and Wildform (Flix) release their new Flash MX video tools at the same time. Sorenson’s big news is the stitching feature that will allow you to use Flash to do really big video files. As many of you might know, Flash relies on all of its content having to be loaded into RAM, which has made it rather uniftted for large video files – until now. The new version/revision of Squeeze also includes AVI file support. Wildform’s Flix 3 has as its biggest news the

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RSS 1.0 Blog Reader and web services

Jeffrey Hill of is busy making cool Flash front-ends for web services. One of them are the RSS 1.0 Blog Reader I’ll share his very interesting e-mail with you all: it does add a new twist to other RSS news readers as it’s based off of a web service. The service (remotely hosted) returns an array – so there’s no need to parse any XML in Flash. The service should also work well with Flash remoting, as you can load the array directly into flash with remoting. However the

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