Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Is RSS working?

It might seem it isn’t, based on my own experience and that of others, many times it can be a pain in the ass to deal with the many different implementations of RSS, it doesn’t make it any easier that we have formats forumlated by different parties, and no real standard everyone agrees on. As always, Virtuelvis has something wise to say about the whole process: Replacing RSS As someone who simply wants to use some kind of syndication format, either for consumption or production, the neverending debate is confusing, […]

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More about Google Adsense

The Google Weblog has discovered that you can check out what ads would be shown on any given website. Interesting stuff: Try Before You Sell Not everyone believe that Google Adsense is a good idea: Pamela Parker at ClickZ Today writes about her initial response in her article Does Google’s AdSense Make Sense? Her point is that Google’s advertising won’t work as good when placed on web sites, as when it is displayed on their search pages, because people act differently when they are in search mode, as opposed to

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MT killed my post

MT just killed an entry I had been working on for 30 minutes. Will try to re-write. And at the same time see if Opera is as forgetful as Internet Explorer. [Update] Yes, it seems like Opera is the better browser for blogging. It does NOT forget postings if something goes wrong. Opera is as always highly recommended, just have to start remembering my own recommendations ;-) BTW: Even got to work a little on implementing a spell checker in Opera. Found a spell checker that uses, works great,

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US Troops shooting Iraqi civilans as payback for 9/11

This is sick. But with the way the whole war has been marketed by the US government I guess we should expect things like this: – US TROOPS ADMIT SHOOTING IRAQI CIVILIANS “There’s a picture of the World Trade Centre hanging up by my bed and I keep one in my flak jacket. Every time I feel sorry for these people I look at that. I think, ‘They hit us at home and, now, it’s our turn.’ I don’t want to say payback but, you know, it’s pretty much

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So, you want to be read?

This is a very nice writeup by Arve Bersvendsen on how to be read, and how to make a good weblog. What he writes I happen to agree with, but don’t feel like it has to become THE absolute rules on how to make a good weblog: Virtuelvis: So, you want to be read? I especially like the part he has titled “Minimize idle talk”: Yes, a blog is personal, and one is entitled to write whatever one wants there, but writing when you really have nothing to say increases

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Gizmondo 1983

This is a cool retro version of a blog I haven’t been reading enough (it seems): Gizmodo 1983 – turn back the time 20 years and be impressed by the “new” gadgets. Not all too original, Wired has run something simular – but it sure is a lot of fun remembering the former cool gadgets, and see how far we have come in 20 years. At the same time I can’t help but notice how little some things have changed too, concidering it has been two decades! [Via JD on

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A few good tips on how to battle spam with Eudora

Install Spamnix, this anti-spam tool comes as a free trial and doesn’t cost much to buy Make sure that images in spam e-mails are never shown, most of them are linked with information about who you are – if you open them, they will give you away and verify your e-mail address. You can fix this in a couple of ways: Disable preview of e-mails by going to Tools -> Options ->Viewing Mail -> Preview Pane and un checking “Show messages in preview pane” While you are in that window,

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Spamnix for Eudora evolving

Eudora has always been my favorite mail application. It (almost) supports standard mailbox format (one mailbox = one file) so its easy to port mail from one platform to another, if configured right its virtually bulletproof against viruses, and it just works. My one gripe with it is that its only available for Windows and Mac. I have written about how Eudora 6 will make it even easier to battle spam with Eudora, and I have to admit that when I saw in which direction Qualcomm is going with Eudora,

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