Author name: Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Flash interface for Jabber

There are so many great Flash projects going on. Sean Voisen at eat orange is working on integrating Flash with Jabber, his already has a Flash/Jabber Groupchat Client in early beta available for download. Sean writes: I’ve had some early interest (mainly from Jabber developers) in my Flash MX/Jabber Groupchat client. As such I’ve posted what I have for download here. Please note that this version is very alpha, and currently serves only as an illustration that chat on Jabber with Flash is very real and very possible. I think

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1st Movement Flash RSS Reader

Phil’s initial work on a Flash RSS reader has spawned another great Flash based RSS reader. Ming Chan has made a Multiblog Flash RSS Reader, it allows you to read three weblogs at a time, save your three favorite weblogs using the Flash MX shareobject, and refresh the feed to update the newsfeed. Ming says he will be working on adding automatic refresh of the feeds every x minutes, UI enhancements like rollover effect that shows actual external links, font sizes, colours, font types etc. And the ability to delete

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Flash-based Text Editor

Sometimes I am so bad at spotting news. :-) I featured Stuart Schoneveld’s web site not long ago, and found some of his cool projects there. Amongs them, his Flash Rich Text Editor But it took Jon Udell, then Dave Winer, then John Dowdell and finally Chris MacGregor to point out how cool it was before I got that its actually news. (Yeah, I am slow). There are some interesting links to add to this story however. Tim Appnel is adding some thoughs and questions – that I hope

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A rant about linking back

Just thought I would take a minute or two to address the curtesy of link backs. Most of the time I refer to what other people have written or found, and I try my very best to link back to these people. (See the [Via ] links at the bottom of the posts). I try to make sure that I honour the work other people have put into collecting information, and make sure that those that actually do the hard work get some recognition for it. Once in a while,

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Cool little script to explore my weblog neighborhood

Exploring Weblog Neighbourhoods with Blogdex. Inspired by Mark, and Dave, I’ve been doing a bit of neighbourhood exploration hacking of my own. DJ has made a cool little script that gives you the chance to see which neighborhood you belong to. Here is the url to check out my neighborhood: [Via Jon Udell]

Cool little script to explore my weblog neighborhood Read More »

Open Source = Bad security?

In the paper “Opening the Open Source Debate”, scheduled to be released friday by the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, there are claims that Open-Source leads to less secure software than with proprietary software. The report warns goverments against relying on Open-Source software for national security. What is interesting is that Microsoft funds the Washington based think-tank. The Register – Open source invites terrorism – study: We imagine the argument will have to go something like this: Microsoft software is safer because the company carefully conceals its security flaws; thus evil

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MovableType Warning (or what happens when you don’t read the manual)

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to run this by you all, but if you are a MovableType user, and haven’t read the install notes, then shame on you, and please make sure to fix this “security problem“. If you followed the installation manual, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. If you just installed it without making sure to remove some important files after the install (which is very clearly pointed out in the manual), then you are in trouble. Seems like there is quite a lot of people

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