Unbelievable effort to support tags in IE ;-)

This is a funny bug found in Internet Explorer (and all other software where the HTML rendering libraries are used, such as Outlook and co.). By including &ltinput type crash> in your HTML code, it is actually possible to get Internet Explorer & co to crash! Talk about compliance. Check out the bug report: Secunia – Advisories – Microsoft Shell Light-Weight Utility Library Denial of Service Reportedly, the vulnerability can be exploited to crash the following applications: – Windows Explorer – Internet Explorer – Outlook – Outlook Express – Frontpage […]

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SharpMT – Offline windows editor for MT

This looks like a very interesting project. Randy Rants’s SharpMT is a Windows offline editor for MovableType. It is using XML-RPC to post to MovableType, and is quite handy if you aren’t always online, but still want the ability to work on blog postings. The project is in a very active phase right now, with new builds being released almost every day. Its still in Beta, so if you start using it – you might find yourself updating quite often. It requires the Microsoft .NET Framework. Things to (possibly) come

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Bruce Springsteen speaks out in defense of Dixie Chicks

On his own website – brucespringsteen.net, Bruce speaks up about the treatment the Dixie Chicks have received after openly opposing the war against Iraq. He writes: The Dixie Chicks have taken a big hit lately for exercising their basic right to express themselves. To me, they’re terrific American artists expressing American values by using their American right to free speech. For them to be banished wholesale from radio stations, and even entire radio networks, for speaking out is un-American. The pressure coming from the government and big business to enforce

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MovableType creators create Blogger competitor

This is news that has had many a blogger buzzing the last few days. Six Apart (Ben Trott and Mena Trott), the creators of MovableType, announced TypePad – a service that are likely to rival Google owned Blogger. The promises of the service are grand, including a built-in photo album creation tool, a built-in Blogroll – a list of all your favorite sites, or lists of books and music you are reading and listening to. The real killer of the service will be the template maker. Users will be able

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TV Turnoff week 2003

Its soon here, the TV Turnoff Week 2003. Between 21st and 27th of April Adbusters wants us to turn off the TV and do other better things. For the campaign the Adbusters movement want to buy commercials on MTV. But MTV is looking nervous. If you like to remind MTV that the medium should be open to all expressions, also those trying to make people watch less TV, then Adbusters could use your help. Head on over to their site and you will find information on how to contact MTV

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Automated Denial-of-Service Attack Using the U.S. Post Office

Interesting way of fighting spam, spans real world “Denial-of-postal-Service-attack” (From Crypto-Gram Newsletter) In December 2002, the notorious “spam king” Alan Ralsky gave an interview. Aside from his usual comments that antagonized spam-hating e-mail users, he mentioned his new home in West Bloomfield, Michigan. The interview was posted on Slashdot, and some enterprising reader found his address in some database. Egging each other on, the Slashdot readership subscribed him to thousands of catalogs, mailing lists, information requests, etc. The results were devastating: within weeks he was getting hundreds of pounds of

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